
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sayings of Breakthrough

This is a poem written by one of my students this summer. She was especially proud of it, and shared it at our last attendance on Friday...

Sayings Of Breakthrough

Sharing is caring,
There’s no I in teamwork,
Teamwork makes the dream work,
That’s what breakthrough students follow everyday,
Success Is in our future,
Were on the path to college,
So never give up,
Never stop trying.

It's amazing to me how much this program means to our students, how deeply they believe in hard work and the possibility of change, how badly they want to achieve these huge dreams. They inspire me and keep me going, and I am really going to miss them!

Tricia '10, BT AUSTIN!


Hey Brown Breakthrough Teachers!

Breakthrough Silicon Valley just had our Celebration event yesterday. The gym was transformed into a showcase of the students' work and we had an exciting show filled with poetry reading, dancing, debates, and much more! It was a perfect ending to a perfect summer.

Breakthrough SV teachers

Our wonderful Celebration committee wrote songs for both the students and the teachers (which was a surprise!). Here are the choruses:

Student song (to California Girls):
Breakthrough kids SV
We're super knowledgeable
Polo Shirts
and backpacks on top
Stuh-dy skills
So sharp
We'll ace your hard-est test
Oooooh oh oooooh

Breakthrough kids
We're super knowledgeable
Smart, fun, stylin’
We got it on lock
Smartkids represent
Now put yo hands up
Oooooh oh oooooh

Teacher song (to Paparazzi):
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until college
Breakthrough Breakthrough SV
Buddy, there's no other way to say
you know that I'll be your
Breakthrough Breakthrough buddy
promise I'll be here and I won't stop until you graduate
Buddy you'll be famous, chase you down until you study
Breakthrough Breakthrough SV

I miss my kids already!!

~ Donna Chung '12, Breakthrough Silicon Valley