
Monday, July 26, 2010

Bittersweet BTA Goodbye!

Hey Brown Breakthrough Teachersss!!!

So, I have meant to post to this blog approximately 27 1/2 times, but seeing as how BTA takes up a ridiculous (but wonderful :) ) amount of my time, I have not gotten around to it. However, Breakthrough Atlanta is almost over (we just began wrap-up week), I have decided to devote some of my freeeee time (!) to posting some of the thoughts, videos, and pictures that I have gathered over the past 6 weeks. First of all, I must share some pics of our "Family Reunion" that too place this past Saturday.

We were all crying by the end... I miss the kids already :( More to come! Enjoy!
BTA Summer 2K10 teachers!!!

It was about 105 degrees and we were wearing two shirts, but still having fun!

The Lovett School

The students revealing their banner

Blair Perry '11

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