
Friday, July 30, 2010


Breakthrough Cambridge spent the last two days of week four roughing it in the untamed woods of Gloucester, Massachusetts! After a full day of classes on Thursday, the students were positively psyched for our annual camping trip. The excitement was palpable on the bus ride up to our camp site.

After setting up tents and getting organized, we spent the rest of the afternoon in the swimming pool (which had an AWESOME water slide).

The evening was filled with fun campy activities, from a barbecue to man hunt to scary stories and s'mores around a campfire.

Today included more fun, with elective activities (basketball, kayaking, nature writing or poetry, and salsa dancing!), team building, several games of mafia (of course), and a talent show.

At the talent show, students Camille, Lara, Linda, Leyla, and Alex performed their own version of Travie Mccoy's "Billionaire"--all about BTC and going to college!!

I wanna be a college student
So frickin' bad
Writing essays on my notepad
I wanna be on the cover of
BTC Weekly (our newsletter)
Smiling next to Sarah (our director) and Jennie (our dean of students)
Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name on honor roll
A different classroom every hour
Oh my, I swear
The world better prepare
For when I start my career.

Doing cheers every morning, never gets boring
Getting an education with no complication
Sitting in math class, always got my pass
Lit discussion, math equations
Science experiments, never get tired of this

All in all, the camping trip was an amazing retreat for the BTC community, and after some R&R (and showers), we'll all be amped up and ready to go for Week FIVE (can you believe it?!).

-Sara Luxenberg '11 & Evelyn Limon '11, Breakthrough Cambridge

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