
Sunday, July 11, 2010


C-O-L, L-E-G-E
Hey, Evelyn!
Where do you go to college?
Hey, Evelyn!
Where do you go to college?
-Brown is where I go to college, that is where I get my knowledge!

The teachers lined the hallways of the Kennedy-Longfellow School on Friday, singing this cheer about our different schools to welcome students to the final day of week one. After a great first week, Breakthrough Cambridge held its first-ever College Challenge Day! Events included the application process relay race, human transcript grid, scholarship-earning competitions (dance, basketball, and engineering), college-choice matching game, college fair scavenger hunt, and graduation (where we gave all of our kids some college swag).

In our college-matching workshop, students--as colleges or applicants--had to talk to their peers to figure out their perfect match.

The BTC community gathered for graduation after a fun day of activities!

And of course, Evelyn and I repped Brown at the college fair!

The first week was complete with classes, cheers, and getting to know the great kids of Cambridge. We can't wait for week two!

-Sara Luxenberg '11 & Evelyn Limon '11, Breakthrough Cambridge

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